Smile ★ Happy ★ Love

Aug 25, 2013


是我成熟了吗 是我看开了吗
不知不觉 我也好像给自己买了一面面具
有点难过 有点感伤
为什么 为什么 为什么
我很怕人 很怕闲言闲语 很怕 很怕 

掩盖了你的美 你的心 你的真
不能散播爱 原来很辛苦
哈哈哈哈哈 还是比较喜欢有能力散播爱的自己
小倩儿 要学习长大 看开 但是还要保持乐观
挑战 困难 是非 障碍 心结 一定会有的
你一定要勇敢的跨过它 这样子才是长大嘛!

人家要笑 要讨厌 要看不起 是他们的事
我又没做错事 对不对
心要开开 才能吸收正能量 

倩倩儿 要记得真心 才能散播爱!!


大家都要 HAPPY :D

Aug 10, 2013

♥ Spread the L♥VE to Guatemala!!!!! :D ♥

So, I am going to announce something EXCITED in the end of the blog post!! YEAHHHH

I am turning to 21 year-old this year!! Woohooo!! In the beginning of the year I was thinking what should I do to make this year special and memorable, I was also thinking how should I celebrate my 21st birthday party. HAHA Don't know why, I just don't feel like having a birthday party this year or, in otehr words, celebrate my 21st birthday. I am not afraid of become older la k! Just have a feeling that I DONT WANT TO CELEBRATE IT! But, I always have a weird thought! I always think that 21-year-old is a cool age! I feel more mature and smart when I tell others I am 21! Like I am an adult now, I am big, I am 21 and call me JIE JIE!! hahaha So I think I really have to do something special when I turning to be 21!

                                    THINKING THINKING THINKING

Flash back to March. One night, I was insomnia. So what to do? Think about what can I do to make my 21 year old special loh! HAHA Suddenly, a thought popped into my head! I was like 'YES! THIS IS WHAT I REALLY WANT TO DO!!!!!!'

                         I WANT TO DO VOLUNTEER WORK IN SOUTH AFRICA!!!

I jumped up from the bed, turned on my computer and started my research! I found all sources of information, at that moment, I realized that there are so many organisation support us to do volunteer work in undeveloped country!! I was so happy! I take note to compare the differences between those organisations, like what program they offer, how much they cost, how it works etc..I applied to few programs to South Africa with different organisations, praying that I can got an offer from any one of the organisation. Disappointingly, South Africa does not offer volunteer work during end of the year :c. I felt down a bit, but very soon, I started my research again!

My second option was America. At last I applied the Childcare and Orphanage Project, in Guatemala (Central America),under Global Volunteer Network (GVN). DANG DANG Few days later, I received an email from GVN, with the lovely tittle "WELCOME TO THE GUATEMALA PROGRAMME"!!! Woohooo I got it!! I can go to Guatemala for volunteer work!! I quickly gave my dad a phone call, and told him the good news. My dad was very shocked, he never thought that I was that serious in the volunteer work. On the other hand , I was overwhelmed by the happiness, I kept telling my dad how this gonna work, how I can spread the love to the kids in Guatemala, how can I change the world etc etc hahahahhaha But, I got really little response from my dad, maybe he was just too surprised and shocked. It didn't seems like a good news for him at that time. Anyway, I was SO SO SO HAPPY that time, I had so much passion and I ready to spread the LOVE to Guatemala, of course I was really grateful to have the opportunity to challenge myself!

Kids is Guatemala!! They are so cute :D and they are waiting for my love ♥♥ hahaha

La Anigua, I will do my volunteer work in this little town


HAHA So guys, I am here to announce: I am going to Guatemala for volunteer work, from 22nd of Nov to 21st of Dec. I will keep my blog update as I want to record everything I have experienced while preparing myself to Guatemala!

                               I want to spread my LOVE to Guatemala!! Woohoo :D
                                     SuperGirl is going to be SUPER! YEAHHHH

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Aug 7, 2013


哈哈 又是一个失眠的夜晚!最近都睡不好,好难过啊,嗯,正确来说应该是下午睡太多,晚上都睡不着!哈哈 自作自受 loll 最近的心情起伏好大啊 大到我都不认识我自己 大到我都不敢见人了 hhahahha 好啦 没有那么夸张 haha

但是一路来很幸运的我,还是那么幸运!!!才刚刚开始我的低潮期,我又要开始自 high 了!哈哈 哎哟,人嘛 就是要给自己拍拍手,鼓励鼓励,生活才会开心,才能散播爱阿!!有时候真地很爱 阅读,没有错,我很爱阅读,哈哈 很喜欢被文字启发的感觉,那种感动是从心里散发出来的,很温暖,很踏实,很真!但是很多时候我都很懒 哈哈 小小的惭愧。。

对了 我要说我很幸运是因为在这个辗转难眠,要以泪洗脸( hahahahha) 的夜晚,突然一个念头,把我从温暖的被窝拉起来,从书橱随手拿了一本书来看!看了几页,睡意都消失拉,正能量完完全全的回来啦!!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh 就这样 我很开心,心情很激动 想要打 Blog lol



亲爱的大家,不要为了迎合着世界,而把自己给弄不见了!!要勇敢的做自己,每天学习,每天进步,每天都要做个有用的人!!每一天 都要努力 努力 在努力!!

我会记得我的目标!!脚踏实地 天天都要进步!!

大家一起加油!! Yeahhhh :D