Smile ★ Happy ★ Love

Feb 27, 2011

Mix posts!

Hi everyone!! How are you guys recently?? hahahhahaa
I'm good here !! Met many awesome friends with different culture!! I have friend which is come from China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Columbia, Saudi Arabia and bla bla bla!!Wowow, I feel like I'm getting more international =)  Now, my 'best friend' is a jie jie from Saudi Arabia !! hahahahhaa !! Good experience!!

Oya, I'm living with my relatives now !! Their house is just amazing!! English-style, swimming pool, sea view, small orchard (I will try to post some photos next time =) )... I love my little cute bedroom as well ! And within 20 minutes walk, you can reach the beach!! It just so impossible !! And we went to the beach picnic to celebrate the Valentine day ! So romantic right !!! Don't envy me!! hahahahahhaha

Ermm-hummm. Now we need to be more serious before go into this topic. As everyone know, last Tuesday a magnitude 6.3 earthquake were occurred in Christchurch. First of all, thanks to everyone concern, I'm good here, I live in Auckland,which is far from Christchurch, it doesn't affect here anyway. Second, please cherish your family, friends and someone who is deserved it. We can't predict when is our last day to survive, don't ever let yourself regret ! Last, please pray for the people of Christchurch in this difficult hour.

Okay, now I want to talk a bit about my on diet progress. hahhahaha. Although I miss Malaysia food badly, but no doubt, the food here are tasty and delicious as well !! SO, I AM GETTING FAT FAT AND FAT now =( poor little super girl TT
Ooops, I need to go now! Next post will be my on diet diary and more exciting activities!! hahahahaa